I don't drink coffee, and I don't like most teas. My hot beverage of choice is hot chocolate, which is why I get sad when I drink bad hot chocolate. Normally it's just a disappointment. Then there are nights like last night.
I ordered my hot chocolate in a to go cup.
The evil cup. |
I left the cafe and took a sip. BLAM! The lid popped off and spilled onto my shirt.
That's the stain. It didn't actually photograph well, but it was noticeable to people who saw me. |
The only saving grace about spilling my hot chocolate on myself? It was less "hot chocolate" and more "warm milk that vaguely tastes like chocolate if you really taste carefully". So I didn't get burned, and the stain could have been worse.
I think the anger at spilling it on myself is what made me take a while to realize that it didn't taste, well, like hot chocolate.
I'm still looking for an explanation as to why I ended up drinking the whole thing.
You can actually see the lack of chocolate-y ness. |