Sunday, March 18, 2012

Feeling Like a Grown-Up

I am not a grown-up. This has been pointed out to me on several occasions. However, the past few days I noticed myself engaging in activities that I would classify as "stuff grown-ups do".

I set the table without being asked (twice now). In the past I would have done it but would probably have needed to be asked.

After my mom came to me and asked that I call someone during business hours about something, I did it the next morning, before my Mom and Dad both called (separately) to remind me. In the past this has been the sort of thing where I'm told I need to call them on Monday and I maybe got around to it on Thursday.

When my Dad asked to me tell my Mom that dinner was ready I went upstairs, found her, and told her in a normal speaking voice. I totally would have yelled up the stairs.

I know I'm not a grown-up. But I've clearly started taking some small steps towards adulthood and maturity. I'm still not sure how I feel about that.

I feel like the fact that I meant to write this yesterday somewhat proves my point that I'm not a grown-up yet.

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